We believe God is Spirit, infinite, universal, testified to in everything created but He told us He is also three. (God the universal, infinite Spirit creator; God the physical, tangible Jesus; and God the Spirit who chooses to dwell in those He has called out from among the earth.) Our being created in His image means, not only is He infinite Spirit but actually physical. Our image looks like His so that when He arrived on earth as Jesus the Christ in a body, we would recognize Him as our creator. His purpose as the Christ on earth was to show us exactly what He plans to accomplish in those He has chosen to enter. God in heaven and God on earth is also God in us so that through His work we become one with what He is doing.
We believe God choosing to enter us happens before we were ever born, that salvation is already accomplished before we took our first breath and that having to be born of the Spirit is literal. One must literally be born with God's Spirit already choosing to be with them accomplishing His work in them and that through this work it is eventually revealed to us we are being saved. This absolutely makes nothing about salvation our effort to get to God instead, it is God's effort getting to us. We are literally conscious dead to God with us until His Holy Spirit eventually awakens our consciousness to His presence. This is the reason salvation isn't about asking God to come to us. He already has. It's about us suddenly seeing our rebellion against Jesus and surrendering our life to His control. Letting Him do for us what we can't do for ourselves, and observing how His work is shaping us to be more like Jesus.
This is the reason we do not believe baptism saves anybody. If God is already with those He has called from the beginning they are saved already, it's a matter of time before they are lead to repent and place their trust in Him. Nothing we do makes us saved. Instead, salvation, is us merely believing these things about God's work already for us. So, in light of these facts, we practice baptism simply because He has commanded us who are physically able to give a visual testimony of His work for us in this way and we believe the best picture we can give of His work looks like a burial representing death to our old self and a resurrection through Christ's power to a new life. The best image we believe the scripture teaches of this is by water emersion.
We believe there is God as defined above, the creator of all good though His ways are not considered good by a portion of His own creation's standards. Instead, by some, His ways are considered narcissistic, burdensome and limiting. Thus, we believe God created good with the built in propensity for His creation to break away from Him and try things their own way. Because of God's nature He has allowed His enemy every means to rise up and strike, to attempt a takeover and hijack His kingdom. To the extent God has given His enemy even a means of putting He, Himself to death which was fulfilled in Jesus the Christ. God is however, God and rose again. God's first enemy is an angel He created named Lucifer and this cosmic give and take in our universe is precisely where sin comes from. First, it began with other angels in heaven who turned away then made it's way to us here on earth as Lucifer went on a rampage. Because of this otherworldly insight the Bible has given us we believe sin is our joining Lucifer on a rampage against God trying to seize from Him by force what He has already freely given us. But when we realize there is no need anymore to take from God what He has already freely given us and receive from Him what He portions out according to HIs will and timing, we are then set free from sin and inherit all the rewards of His kingdom with Him. Sin is rebellion against God's will. It is our turning away from God's authority to do what we want. Repentance from sin is when we realize our rebellion and turn our lives back over to His will.
We believe we are a vessel for God thus, prayer is
not our telling God what we want but God talking through us about what He wants. It is our spiritual link to the conversations of God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, our link to what is going on in Heaven being what's happening here on earth through us. It is a spoken mindfulness we are being taught to practice towards God's heart and then this being reinforced by seeing God accomplish His will through the words.